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So far laredo has created 18 blog entries.

Do You Need to Have an Inspection for New Construction?

It may seem odd to those of you that are buying a new home to consider hiring a third party to inspect it, since the home is “new”. While generally when a home is built in a municipality, the city or other governmental body will perform inspections related to the permitting process, many municipal building [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00July 13th, 2012|Construction Defects|Comments Off on Do You Need to Have an Inspection for New Construction?

Significant Construction Defects

While a home or structure can have a wide variety of construction defects, usually significant defects arise from three areas – foundation movement, water penetration and safety issues. Foundation defects can arise for a multitude of reasons, including:• Poor design• Poor site preparation• Bad concrete• Improper placement of steel or improper tensioning of post-tensioning cablesWater [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00June 19th, 2012|Construction Defects|Comments Off on Significant Construction Defects

What Type of Foundation Do You Have?

Generally, there are two basic types of foundations – “post-tension” foundations and “conventionally reinforced” slabs. Generally, post-tension foundations have cables running through the slab which are tensioned with the goal of keeping the foundation together. Conventionally reinforced slabs have much more steel in them than post-tension slabs and often look like a waffle gridiron prior [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00April 15th, 2012|Foundation Defects|Comments Off on What Type of Foundation Do You Have?

How to Uncover Hidden Jewels when Buying Real Estate

In this blog I focus on available sources of information regarding a property that a typical real estate buyer does not ask for or receive. Normally, a residential real estate buyer receives only a seller’s disclosure notice filled out by the current seller of the home and then hires a general home inspector to conduct [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00April 10th, 2012|Construction Defects|Comments Off on How to Uncover Hidden Jewels when Buying Real Estate

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Take this common situation – your home has cracks in the walls, doors that stick, open on their own, windows that are racked and that cannot be opened, etc. Logically, you contact the builder and submit a warranty claim regarding these issues. The builder tells you that the cracks, sticking doors, etc. are “normal”, or [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00February 28th, 2012|Construction Defects|Comments Off on The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities

Many of you may have purchased a home from a “volume” or “production” builder (i.e. a builder who built hundreds of homes in your community). If you think about it, the quality of construction provided by a volume or production builder is important to not only you, but your community as well. When construction defects [...]

By |2012-02-16T03:02:00-06:00February 16th, 2012|Construction Defects|Comments Off on Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities

Foundation Defects

Soil strength and quality are extremely important when building a new home since the vast majority of homes built in the USA are built on soil, not on bedrock. Not all soils are the same, so it is vital to get a soil test and inspection certificate before you purchase a new home, but what [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00January 18th, 2012|Foundation Defects|Comments Off on Foundation Defects

The Law Office of Bryan A Woods

Have you been the victim of an unethical home builder or a dishonest real estate agent? Are you the victim of an inept home inspector? Have you purchased a home with shoddy construction, foundation defects, water-related issues, or even an unscrupulous HOA? We are here to help! I have been practicing law in San Antonio, [...]

By |2017-11-07T10:29:19-06:00December 6th, 2011|Legal|Comments Off on The Law Office of Bryan A Woods
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