Construction defect laws FAQ
Construction defect laws FAQ We often find that people are a little confused when it comes to construction defect laws. The common feeling amongst our clients is that everything reads like small print; in other [...]
WHAT IS A CONSTRUCTION DRAW SCHEDULE, AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? In many custom projects the draw schedule governs when your builder will receive a certain sum of money, generally called a “draw”, at various [...]
San Antonio Hail Stats
San Antonio Hail Stats Tuesday night's hailstorm on the 12th of April was pretty devastating. For San Antonio residents, this is not the first time they have experienced severe weather conditions. In 2001, a storm [...]
Understand What Your Allowance Budgets Mean
Typically in a custom home project there will be "allowance" items, which usually are budgetary amounts that are preset for certain selection items such as flooring, plumbing fixtures, appliances and the like. For instance, if [...]
Custom Homebuilding – Part 4
Be Wary of a Builder-Driven Choice of Construction Lender Many of you that are contemplating building a custom home will likely end up borrowing money from a construction lender to finance the construction. The construction [...]
Custom Homebuilding – Part 3
Minimize the number of owner-hired contractors Sometimes owners want to hire some of the contractors directly. Generally in my opinion the fewer owner-hired contractors the better since if problems arise the builder may attempt to [...]