

Significant Construction Defects

While a home or structure can have a wide variety of construction defects, usually significant defects arise from three areas – foundation movement, water penetration and safety issues. Foundation defects can arise for a multitude [...]

By |June 19th, 2012|Categories: Construction Defects|Comments Off on Significant Construction Defects

What Type of Foundation Do You Have?

Generally, there are two basic types of foundations – “post-tension” foundations and “conventionally reinforced” slabs. Generally, post-tension foundations have cables running through the slab which are tensioned with the goal of keeping the foundation together. [...]

By |April 15th, 2012|Categories: Foundation Defects|Comments Off on What Type of Foundation Do You Have?

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Take this common situation – your home has cracks in the walls, doors that stick, open on their own, windows that are racked and that cannot be opened, etc. Logically, you contact the builder and [...]

By |February 28th, 2012|Categories: Construction Defects|Comments Off on The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities

Many of you may have purchased a home from a “volume” or “production” builder (i.e. a builder who built hundreds of homes in your community). If you think about it, the quality of construction provided [...]

By |February 16th, 2012|Categories: Construction Defects|Comments Off on Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities
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