

Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities

Many of you may have purchased a home from a “volume” or “production” builder (i.e. a builder who built hundreds of homes in your community). If you think about it, the quality of construction provided [...]

By |February 16th, 2012|Categories: Construction Defects|Comments Off on Construction Defects Affects Entire Communities

Foundation Defects

Soil strength and quality are extremely important when building a new home since the vast majority of homes built in the USA are built on soil, not on bedrock. Not all soils are the same, [...]

By |January 18th, 2012|Categories: Foundation Defects|Comments Off on Foundation Defects

The Law Office of Bryan A Woods

Have you been the victim of an unethical home builder or a dishonest real estate agent? Are you the victim of an inept home inspector? Have you purchased a home with shoddy construction, foundation defects, [...]

By |December 6th, 2011|Categories: Legal|Comments Off on The Law Office of Bryan A Woods
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